PALOMA Profiles: Felicity Brand

Fashion Consultant and Head of Buying at Mode Sportif, Felicity Brand is one of those people that needs little introduction when her presence and effortless style speaks volumes.

Felicity inspires us with her minimalist aesthetic, which calls to mind the timeless and empowered woman that dresses with careful consideration. A great friend of the community, we were lucky enough to chat to Felicity for our PALOMA Profiles.

PALOMA Profiles is a space to share the amazing people we have in our PALOMA Community, and to collectively engage around the things we value and care about - ‘Self’, Wellbeing, Inclusivity and Sustainability. You, our community, are so important to us. PALOMA Profiles exists for us all to connect on a deeper level that brings greater meaning into our lives.

We are committed to giving back to our community to make for a better world we live in. Enjoy our PALOMA Profiles with the ever so stylish, Felicity Brand.

At PALOMA, the idea of ‘SELF’ is a core pillar to our brand, our service, and our community. What does ‘Self Care’ mean to you? How do you take care of yourself, and what are your ‘Self-Love’ practices and rituals?

Personally, self-care is the practice of looking after and prioritizing your mental and physical well being. As Paloma herself would say ‘ showing up for yourself’ ! This not only benefits you but also those around you. My self-love rituals are; non negotiable movement daily (a mix of running, walking and reformer pilates at Fluid Form), infrared saunas, fresh ocean swims and looking after my skin via Rationale and facials at Fenn store. I’ve also recently started therapy sessions to have more of a focus on maintaining my ‘mental hygiene’ which no one should be ashamed or embarrassed to lean into.


Beyond a hair salon, PALOMA is a ‘Wellbeing Destination’ - we believe by investing and taking care of yourself - your wellbeing, you create the space to be the best version of yourself. What does ‘Wellbeing’ mean to you? How do you cultivate this state within your life?

The state of well being is different for everyone but for me it’s strongly linked to my health, happiness and life satisfaction. I am a big believer in manifestation and the power of a positive mind set. A big part of this is practicing gratitude which I try to do daily on my morning walk.


We love that you are part of the PALOMA community - can you share with us who you are, and what you do, so we can share with our wider community?

Thank you for having me :) My name is Felicity and in short I made the transcontinental journey from London 4 years ago and am now very grateful to call Australia home. I have a dynamic career as Head of Buying at Mode Sportif as well as recently launching my services as a freelance fashion consultant.


What do you value in life?

Health is absolutely wealth in my mind. I also deeply value love and relationships in all senses be it with my family, partner and friends.


Inclusivity is a huge pillar of the PALOMA brand - from a societal perspective, what does ‘Inclusivity’ mean to you? What hopes and wishes do you have for the future to invite a more inclusive society?

Inclusivity means having a sense of belonging. When people feel safe to be who they truly are then both happiness and creativity truly thrives. I hope for less judgment, more education and deeper understanding.

We love Mother Earth, and as a salon, are activists for ‘Sustainability’. What is your personal connection to ‘Mother Nature’? What does ‘Sustainability’ mean to you, and what practices do you incorporate in your life (or your business) to support this cause?

I find the ocean to be very grounding and am so lucky to live right by the water in Clovelly. Cold water instantly revitalizes you as the ocean if packed full of salt and minerals that your body absorbs best through your skin. The importance of sustainability in the fashion industry is something that has become increasingly prominent in my mind for the past few years now asI feel we all have to play our own part( no matter how big or small) in a movement of change to try and protect both our environment and people.

There are some incredible brands making huge improvements in both their supply chain, materials and humanity of their workers and my aim at Mode Sportif is to not only support these brands by buying into their collections but also to help educate our customers on their practices.


Since we are about practicing ‘Self-love’ and ‘Self-care’, what is one thing you love about yourself?

I love my Aries driven and brave energy -it has guided me to where I am today both personally and professionally. I made the most bold but best ever decision to move from London to Sydney 4 years ago without ever having even visited or knowing a single person!

This year, what is one thing you are working on within yourself? It could be an external attribute - a goal you have, on an internal attribute - something you are working to evolve within yourself?

This year I am working on truly achieving work and life balance. I’m naturally a high energy personality with a strong work ethic but I’m coming to understand that even if I don’t feel like relaxing, I must prioritise taking the time to rest for my mind and body to reset and process to be the best version of myself.


Lastly, of course we have to ask. Who does your hair at PALOMA Salon, what do you get done, and what hair products do you use?

I am lucky enough to have the dream duo; Paloma - for my haircut who recently gave me and my hair a new lease of life with a fresh bob! Josh - for my color who ( I am calling it ) is the best colourist in Sydney and especially for blondes. My hair is naturally on the dryer side and I find Kérastase shampoo, conditioner and styling products to be really nourishing. The K18 mask is also a really amazing mask treatment.

Whilst you have the attention of our beautiful community, is there any message you would like to share - personally or professionally? We would love to hear!

I had no idea until recently when I had all my long locks cut off that my hair could be donated to charity for children suffering from alopecia. I love that Paloma salon supports this incredible initiative and think more people should know about it!

Thank you so much for sharing your insights, wisdom and self with us!

Love the PALOMA Community.
Follow us on @paloma_salon for behind the scenes and other PALOMA Profiles to come.
Keep in touch and follow Felicity’s Journey @felicity.alice.brand

Felicity is using the Kérastase Nutritive Set.
Kérastase Nutritive is a personalised haircare line for deep, long-lasting nourishment. With options for each hair type and texture, Nutritive offers various solutions for dry, damaged, and undernourished hair, providing tons of antioxidant protection to reinforce the hair fibres. The Nutritive line contains Kérastase’s patented Irisome complex, which contains a number of beneficial ingredients for the health of the hair. Iris rhizome extract helps prevent oxidation.

Available at Paloma Salon.

Photography: Jay Patel from The 10th Letter | @10thletterau

ProfilesPaloma Salon