PALOMA Profiles: Natalia Mimó

To welcome 2024 mindfully, PALOMA Profiles interviews Natalia Mimó - Founder of Baleińe Corporate, wellbeing & mindfulness specialist, personal development speaker, executive coach and business consultant who fuses self-work with business.

This woman may be a familiar face, as she is one of Paloma’s dear friends, business consultant, and a long term loyal client to the salon. Natalia shares a self-work personal guide for you to move into 2024 with authentic intention.

Natalia, welcome to PALOMA Profiles. We are excited to speak with you about the ‘Self’. Can you share with us your unique philosophy of fusing ‘Business with Self Work’?

The creation of my business Baleińe Corporate was intuitively founded on what I call ‘human and business optimisation’ - aka, fusing business with self work. I am of the belief there is always a higher potential. I’ve explored many modalities in holistic health, wellbeing, mindfulness, energetics, psychology and neuroscience. I know there is so much to unbound in the human potential (of which we are not taught in our education system). In my perpetual studying and self exploration I came to the realisation that when we holistically unbound our self limitations (through self work), we quantum leap in our human potential - i.e. we move beyond the restraints that are subconsciously self implied due to conditioned programming, and limiting beliefs. This fused with a holistic, more traditional approach to business innately felt true as the signature blueprint that could take businesses, leadership and their employee potential to the next level. I saw this vision so clearly, so I made it my mission to bring this approach to the world.


It’s such an interesting concept, and very unique. We love that you fuse the two. Let’s talk more about ‘Self Work’ - obviously the ‘Self’ is a core pillar to the PALOMA brand. What does the ‘Self’ and ‘Self Work’ mean to you?

I am very holistic. I have a blueprint within my business called the ‘6 elements of health’ - that is ‘physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual and financial’. It’s my belief that these aspects of self, make up the ‘self’ in our human form.

The reason I integrate all is because society predominately may look at ‘physical health and increasingly mental health’ - though less so on the other aspects mentioned. Our emotions operate from our limbic brain - our mid-centre brain, which is actually the autonomic part of our nervous system, meaning it is involuntary. Our energy and spirituality (life force) is so interwoven into how we feel, think, what we magnetise (or don’t) into our lives - so my belief is focusing just on the physical and even mental plane is a more superficial approach, to the systemic nature of our human self (meaning everything is so integrated, so we have to consider the whole).

So ‘Self Work’ to me is really the ‘Inner Work’ - working on the psychological (mental and emotional), as well as energetic and spiritual, alongside the physical and financial .

Unblocking at a ‘subconscious level’ and empowering mindset is critical to the results I see with my clients. I fuse this with commercial business aspects, succession, leadership and wellbeing, self-care etc.


What is your ‘Wellbeing’ regime? How do you take care of yourself, and fill your cup?

In my wellbeing & mindfulness workshops I share the importance of connecting to your inner ‘intrinsic value’ - what motivates you from within.

Personally, meditation is my number one. Second is sleep (minimum 8.5 hours). Third is a nutritional whole food diet. This is my foundation to ensure I am resourced.

Other holistic practices I incorporate into my daily routine are being in nature, sunrises, the ocean, walking, yoga, pilates, connecting to my inner self, and holistic nourishment via various practitioners I see (acupuncture, kinesiology, naturopath, somatic bodywork etc).

Who does your hair at PALOMA? What has been your journey with PALOMA salon, and what products do you use?

I’ve been friends with Paloma for many years, so I was with the salon for its inaugural launch 5.5 years ago. Josh colours my hair, Paloma cuts it. I use Kevin Murphy products as they use natural ingredients. I use ‘Colour Me - Everlasting Colour’ to support my ash brown tone, ‘Young Again’ to restore hair health and porous hair (from colour, sun and ocean). My favourite product is ‘Re.Store’ - a conditioning treatment which supports my natural waves for wash and wear.


Are there any last words, messages or heartfelt truths you would like to share with the PALOMA Community whilst you have us?

This shoot was shot at my ‘special place’ near my home in Clovelly that I refer to as my ‘secret spot’, hidden and secluded from people and the city life, so it was meaningful to shoot there. Big thanks to Esse Studios, Camilla & Marc and Nagnata for my chic attire. If fusing self-work with business calls you, or you are interested in the ‘Inner Work & Personal Transformation’ - I invite you to follow and connect with me on instagram @natmimo as I am launching a new field of work (direct to consumer) in this space early this year.


Thank you Natalia - for sharing your light and your wisdom. Now we share with you Natalia’s guide to moving into 2024 with authentic intention.




What are you calling into your life right now? i.e what do you want that is different to where you are now in any sector/s of your life?

When you reflect on 2023, what were your greatest lessons and challenges? What were your greatest triumphs?

What growth did the above challenges offer you? If you are still being challenged by certain aspects, visualise where you will be as you move through. From this place, what growth could moving through this challenge be offering you?

Do you see any correlation between what you are ‘calling in’, and where you are being asked to ‘grow’?

What is your intention for 2024? Be clear and specific. What do you want to evolve for yourself? How do you need to evolve to meet this future version of you?

Let’s do authenticity work - so you understand who your ‘authentic self’ is. I invite you to answer these questions from ‘heart’ instead of your mind.

List 20 words that encompass who you authentically believe you are (or authentically want to be). These 20 words need to define your dream life (a life truly authentic to you, without any limitation - believe anything is possible). When you look at these 20 words, they need to define the life you want to live in totality (they should feel true and inspiring to you).

Once written, organise these 20 words into 4 buckets - that is, ‘4 key words’, or terms that define the contents of this bucket. (nb: the bucket name should be practical to define what it is, allow the descriptive words within the bucket to give detail and meaning to your bucket). E.g. My key buckets are ‘Self-Work, Business, Love & Connection, & Lifestyle’ - within these buckets I have words such as ‘freedom, abundance, presence, soulful purpose, nature etc’.

Your 20 key descriptors can go in all buckets, or just one - the buckets are to categorise and reflect your authenticity in a snapshot.

Knowing the above, what 3 key commitments will you make to yourself this year for your self evolution?

It takes 21 days to create a habit, 90 days to create a lifestyle change. What are small daily actions you can commit to yourself, to move towards this evolution you envision for yourself?

Remember energy flows where your attention goes. Wishing you a beautiful, authentically lived 2024.

Follow us on @paloma_salon for behind the scenes and other PALOMA Profiles to come.
Keep in touch and follow Natalia’s Journey @natmimo

Photography: Jay Patel from The 10th Letter | @10thletterau
Natalia is wearing: Esse Studios, Camilla & Marc, Nagnata

ProfilesPaloma Salon